Climate Action, Open LetterThe three step solution to the flooding of River Nyamwamba in Kasese and Uganda at large.Dear Fellow Citizens of Kasese, It is with a heavyRead more
Climate Action, Laudato Clubs, School DebatesLaudato Youth at Holy Cross Lake View S.S.S participated in Green School NationalsA section of Laudato Youth participated in the Green SchoolsRead more
Climate Action, School DebatesLaudato Youth: Amplifying Voices for Climate Action Through Faith-Inspired Encyclical “Laudato Si” at UNSA National Debate ChampionshipThe enthusiastic and faith-driven youth of St. Joseph’s Hill S.SRead more
Climate Action, InternationalYouthDayLaudato Youth Initiative: Young people united for climate change actionWe mark this year’s International Youth Day under the themeRead more
Climate ActionThe digital revolution has shaped the mid-20th century and 21st differentlyThe digital revolution has without doubt, shaped the mid-20th centuryRead more
Climate ActionSafeguarding Our Shared Home: Preserving for Tomorrow’s HeirsThe destiny of our planet rests in our hands, aRead more
Climate ActionA Vision for a Greener Future: Youth Voices in Climate ActionI envision a city that thrives with children playing, adultsRead more
Climate ActionThe Bitter Tears of Mother EarthThe tears of Mother Earth are very bitter when experiencedRead more
Climate Action, World Environment DayWorld Environment Day Open LetterDear young people and leaders of the world, as weRead more
Climate ActionA Call to Protect Our EnvironmentAs a diocesan youth chaplain and member of the LaudatoRead more