Devine Mercy SSS

Laudato Si Club...

Devine Mercy S.S.S

Gardening and Composting, the school runs a kitchen garden. The school garden provides hands-on learning opportunities for students to understand plant life cycles, the importance of biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture. Additionally, composting organic waste from the school canteen or garden can teach students about waste reduction and nutrient recycling. 

They are also involved in green their school by planting trees and grass in the compound. Students also take nature walk to learn more about the environment and will soon start seminars and Earth Day Celebrations that take place on April 22nd each year, to offer an excellent opportunity for students to organize this special event with activities focused on environmental protection and sustainability. In addition to Laudato Si Week and season of creation activities.Gardening and Composting, the school runs a kitchen garden. The school garden provides hands-on learning opportunities for students to understand plant life cycles, the importance of biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture. Additionally, composting organic waste from the school canteen or garden can teach students about waste reduction and nutrient recycling. They are also involved in green their school by planting trees and grass in the compound. Students also take nature walk to learn more about the environment and will soon start seminars and Earth Day Celebrations that take place on April 22nd each year, to offer an excellent opportunity for students to organize this special event with activities focused on environmental protection and sustainability. In addition to Laudato Si Week and season of creation activities.


Trees Planted


Unite with Divine Mercy SSS to safeguard our environment and create a sustainable future together.

The Laudato Youth Initiative amplifies the voices of the youth and empowers them to act creatively on Climate Change and its effects on the youth and poor.

Save Ecology Begin by Planting Trees

This initiative aims to increase green cover, mitigate climate change effects, and enhance biodiversity. The collective effort to plant trees helps create a healthier and more balanced environment for present and future generations..

Effective waste management is important for a clean environment. It includes responsible collection, processing, and disposal. Communities can help by recycling and disposing of waste properly, reducing strain on landfills and pollution while saving resources. This approach, with comprehensive strategies, benefits both the environment and public health.

Raise awareness about the global waste crisis and the significance of sustainable living. Educate your family, friends, and colleagues about responsible consumption, reducing single-use plastics, and making informed product choices.

Young people should be given an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills they need to build a sustainable future. Laudato Youth Initiative Unites, Inspires Action, Empowers, Fosters Mindset Change and builds the capacity of the youth to work with elders and address climate change for a better future.

Laudato Club Students poem

Laudato Si' Walk Activity

The Laudato Si' Walk at Nyakasura School involves students marching to raise awareness about environmental issues inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical. They carry signs advocating for sustainability, biodiversity, and climate action. It's a call to action for both personal responsibility and collective advocacy for a healthier planet

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Planting trees combats climate change, benefits biodiversity, and offers economic opportunities for sustainable development.