Season of Creation 2024Pope’s Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care for Creation 2024 excites Laudato Youth.In a press conference held at the Vatican Fr. AlbertoRead more
Climate change, Human ActionsWhere can we Seek Refuge?In a world increasingly impacted by the effects of climateRead more
Laudato Clubs, Science and Innovation ExpoRevealing the Power of Creativity and InnovationInnovation stands tall on the twin pillars of building andRead more
Laudato Research and InnovationEnhancing Environmental Rescue Missions in Uganda with Modified Helicopters for Climate Change AdaptationClimate change effects such as floods and mudslides pose significantRead more
Creativity and InnovationSolar Companies should embrace Dynastic Solar Systems to Maximize Energy GenerationIn the realm of renewable energy, as the best solutionRead more
Climate ActionThe Bitter Tears of Mother EarthThe tears of Mother Earth are very bitter when experiencedRead more
Climate changeThe role of girls and youth-led initiatives in enhancing technology and innovation for environmental sustainability.In the fight against climate change, the role of girlsRead more
Laudato Clubs, Nature WalkExploring the Connection Between Humanity and NatureThe Laudato Youth Initiative, in collaboration with the John PaulRead more
Creativity and Innovation, Environmental ConservationLaudato Youth as Technology-Smart Environmental AmbassadorsIn the quest to combat climate change and foster environmentalRead more
Climate Action, World Environment DayWorld Environment Day Open LetterDear young people and leaders of the world, as weRead more