The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015. It entered into force on 4 November 2016.
As the world holds its breath, Nations are consistently uniting to fight climate change with the formation of strong action proposals, but a sudden withdrawal from such important agreements could shake the very foundation of these efforts. The recent speculated proposal by America to withdraw from the Paris Agreement could raise serious concerns about global cooperation in protecting the environment.
In 2017, the United States proposal to withdrawal from the Paris Agreement was a highly controversial move made by the Trump administration. Trump has argued the agreement imposes unfair burdens on the American economy, and he withdrew the U.S. during his first term in office. The U.S. officially rejoined under President Joe Biden in 2021. As you may know this move may not only threaten the progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also send a dangerous message about the importance of collective action against climate change. As young people and every other person who cares for our common home, we always had hope seeing the world unite for climate action to combat the threat of climate change and build a more sustainable world.
We all know, in our world today we face a huge challenge of climate change but also already know many solutions. UN and the Church documents like Laudato Si, the Catholic Social Teaching on the environment and others provide climate change solutions that can deliver economic benefits while improving our lives and protecting the environment this is a win for all.
These and more global frameworks and agreements are meant to guide progress, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. The three broad categories of action as guided by UN include: cutting emissions, adapting to climate impacts and financing required adjustments so as to have a positive climate.
Switching energy systems from fossil fuels to renewables like solar or wind will reduce the emissions driving climate change and we have to act now and work towards seeing a growing number of countries committing to net zero emissions by 2050.Therefore, emissions have been projected to be cut in half by 2030 to keep warming below 1.5°C.
This can only be achieved if global economies remain faithful to these commitments, support efforts of the global South in its efforts to combat climate change and the church’s guiding documents on the environment since the majority in the global south are youth who need support to take action. Together, with the poor young people are affected most by the effects of climate change and a bigger population is open to following guidelines by church leaders.
Achieving this means huge declines in the use of coal, oil and gas: production and consumption of all fossil fuels need to be cut by at least 30 per cent by 2030 in order to prevent catastrophic levels of climate change.
America’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement could lead to the following. Firstly, increased carbon emissions. The Paris Agreement aimed to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, which requires every country to play its part. The United States has been one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases. For instance, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2019, the U.S. was responsible for 15% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
Without America’s commitment, other countries might feel less pressure to meet their own targets, resulting in a domino effect that could worsen global warming and for us youth we fear for the mental health of the young people who were excited seeing progress in this area.
This withdrawal could also hinder financial support for developing nations. The Paris Agreement included promises from developed countries to provide funds to help poorer nations combat climate change. Countries like Bangladesh and Kenya rely on this support to develop clean energy and adapt to rising sea levels what then may happen to them If the U.S. steps back, it could create a funding gap, leaving these countries without the necessary resources to implement effective climate solutions. For example, without financial help, a country like Mozambique may struggle to build infrastructure that protects its citizens from extreme weather events which are a threat to humanity.
Moreover, the decision could damage America’s reputation on the global stage. Countries around the world look to the U.S. as a leader in many areas, including climate action. By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, America may slow down the implementation of these international discussions and collaborations.
Other nations may question America’s commitment to fighting climate change and may be discouraged to cooperate on future initiatives. This could create an environment where hope is lost, among young people and making it difficult for other countries to make meaningful agreements in the future is America is always seen as a model leader in the global Gio-political land scape.
From the Laudato Youth point of view, I feel the young people may be hurt most by America’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and this could detoriate the hope of the young people which may also have severe consequences for global efforts to combat climate change.
Challenges like Increased carbon emissions, lack of support for developing nations, are just a few of the potential impacts. It is crucial for all countries to understand the importance of working together in the fight against climate change.
The time has come for our leaders to unite us and prioritize the planet and ensure a sustainable future for all the jubilee year of the church is here! We as Laudato Youth are looking forward to undertaking actions that will build a climate resilient generation as pilgrims of green hope united for climate action.
Together we can build a world where justice and peace flow .
Our Holy Father in his Inauguration message to the United States of America, President Donald J. Trump, on the occasion of his inauguration as 47th President said, “I ask God to guide your efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation among peoples.”
He began his message,
“I offer cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers that Almighty God will grant you wisdom, strength, and protection in the exercise of your high duties.”
At the same time, the Pope noted,
“As our human family faces numerous challenges, not to mention the scourge of war, I also ask God to guide your efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation among peoples.”
With these sentiments, the Holy Father concluded, “I invoke upon you, your family, and the beloved American people an abundance of divine blessings. “The Pope’s words emphasize the importance of global cooperation and collective action in addressing the challenges facing humanity including climate change. Let us embrace them.
Immaculate Kisembo
Laudato Youth Publications editor