Our Laudato Clubs President Sarah Kirikumwino and Mr. Bahemuka Augusting our Laudato Youth Initiative editor and researcher were Panelists at the St. Denis Ssebugwawo Catholic Parish, Konge Lukuli. Interfaith Conference on Climate and Environment, which occurred on September 11, 2024, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The theme of the conference was: Bridging Faiths for Environmental Harmony.

The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges that require urgent collective action. Recognizing the importance of interfaith collaboration in addressing these issues, ST. DENIS
SSEBUGWAWO CATHOLIC PARISH, KONGE LUKULI, proudly hosted an Interfaith Conference on Climate Action. This conference aimed to bring together representatives from various religious traditions to explore the intersection of faith, climate, and environmental stewardship.
The primary objective of the conference is to foster dialogue, collaboration, and action among different religious communities to address climate change and environmental degradation. By
leveraging the shared values and teachings of diverse faith traditions, the conference seeks to inspire practical solutions and collective responsibility toward a sustainable future.
Key Themes Explored were
1. The Moral Imperative of Environmental Stewardship: Exploring the teachings and scriptures of different faiths regarding humanity’s responsibility towards the environment.
2. The Laudato si encyclical. (Pope Francis’ reflection on protecting our common home)
3. Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerabilities: Understanding the disproportionate effects of climate change on vulnerable communities and ecosystems.
4. Interfaith Collaboration for Climate Action: Identifying opportunities for joint initiatives, advocacy, and community-based projects to mitigate climate change and promote environmental justice.
5. Sustainable Practices and Eco-Spirituality: Sharing best practices, rituals, and traditions that promote ecological sustainability and reverence for the natural world.

The conference featured a combination of keynote addresses, including Laudato Club President Sarah Kirikumwino and Mr. Bahemuka Augustine our Laudato Youth Initiative editor and researcher on the panel discussions, and networking sessions. Laudato Youth had the opportunity to engage with members of other faith groups, the Director of the Kampala Archdiocese Department of Justice and Peace, Fr Emmanuel Sita elaborates on the Catholic Church’s teaching on the environment, and activities the archbishop’s appeal for all people to participate in the Justice and peace months when he said “The Catholic Archdiocese of Kampala has declared September as the month of justice and peace. Throughout the month, Catholics in the archdiocese will be involved in activities aimed at promoting and sensitizing people about peace and justice. The Bahai faith leaders also elaborated the Bahai faith approach to justice and peace affirming Pope Fracis’ call in Laudato Si. Community leaders, the Chapter leader of Laudato Si Movement Uganda among other practitioners from different faith backgrounds were present. Mr. Kugonza K. Nicholas OFS also shared his Laudato Si experience, and his role are the organizer of the event working in collaboration with Caritas Uganda.
The conference was open to representatives from all religious communities, including clergy, scholars, activists, youth leaders, and environmental practitioners. It aims to convene a diverse group of individuals committed to promoting environmental stewardship and fostering interfaith dialogue.
It should be noted that Interfaith Conferences on Climate Action like this are important events for the season of creation which is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During this year’s Season of Creation, whose theme is “to hope and act with creation” it was important that we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer, dialogue, and action for our common home.
We were able to plant a tree together as a sign of solidarity and renewed commitment to care for creation. Presentations of the different presenters will be shared we pass our special thanks to St. Denis Ssebugwawo Catholic Parish, Konge.
Lukuli, hosting us. We believe that it was a meaningful gathering that transcends religious boundaries in pursuit of the common goal: safeguarding our planet for future generations. Together, let us harness the power of faith and collective action to address the urgent environmental challenges facing our world today.