The “Premio San Giovanni Paolo II” award is a unique recognition of those who, in their work, continue the spiritual and scientific heritage of Saint John Paul II, promoting his ideas internationally thanks to which they contribute to the development of the human family.


The purpose of this award is to promote knowledge of the thoughts and activities of Saint John Paul II and his impact on the life of the Catholic Church and various social, cultural, societal, political, and economic fields. It is awarded by the Vatican’s John Paul II Foundation (FGP2), based in Rome, at least every two years.

The News

On Wednesday (May 22), Fr. Leonard Olobo, CSC the director of John Paul II Justice and Peace met with Pope Francis at the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace in Rome, Italy. This was before the Pope gave a general Popal audience and emphasized Humility as a source of peace in the world and in the Church. In his words, he said “Dear brothers and sisters:

Today we conclude the cycle of catechesis dedicated to “vices and virtues.” And today we reflect on humility, a virtue that is at the base of the Christian life and is the great antagonist of the worst of vices, which is pride. Humility helps us place everything in its proper measure: we are wonderful but limited creatures, with qualities and defects. “Humility is walking in the truth,” said Saint Teresa. In the Beatitudes, Jesus mentions some attitudes that are born from humility, such as meekness, mercy, and purity of heart. This inner disposition helps us combat the pride and delusions of grandeur that so often arise within us.

To delve into this virtue, let us contemplate the Virgin Mary, a model of humility and smallness. In the hidden life, free of ambitions and empty of self, Mary made her whole life magnificent. She cordially greets the Spanish-speaking pilgrims. Let us ask Mary to teach us to live the virtue of humility, proclaiming the greatness of the Lord and giving thanks to her because she looks at our littleness with love and mercy. May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin take care of you. Thank you so much”

We believe this message was timely it invited us to reflect on the virtue of humility and service to others. I pray for JPIIJPC to continue embracing the humble works of mercy and the needs of the needy.

The Celebrations

We are thrilled to Congratulate our partner John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre (JPIIJPC) for having been honored with the prestigious JOHN PAUL II VATICAN FOUNDATION award. As stated above, this award acknowledges the Center’s remarkable accomplishments in promoting Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and in providing practical assistance to those in need. It also highlights the successful collaboration of the seven Religious Congregations (Missionaries of Africa, Congregation of Holy Cross, Comboni Missionaries, Comboni Missionary Sisters, Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, Society of Jesus, and Mill Hill Missionaries) in furthering the Church’s mission.

Key to the centres’ work

The work of JPIIJPC is anchored around economic, political, social, and environmental justice. The work revolves around the promotion of human rights and good governance, peacebuilding, and environmental conservation. The Laudato Youth Initiative Partners with the John Paul II Justice and Peace Center to promote the work of care for the creation and nurturing of Laudato Clubs in schools, Universities, Parishes, and Dioceses in Uganda and beyond engaging in climate change awareness campaigns, Raising voices of the young people through their Quartly Laudato Voices Magazine, tree planting campaigns, using media to communicate the Climate Change Crisis among others in a bid to promote integrity of creation (Ecology) through community action against environmental degradation and climate change. Learn more about the works of the center

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