Dear esteemed readers, allow me to begin by highlighting the meaning of the season of creation. The Season of Creation is an annual celebration observed by various Christian denominations and organizations worldwide, typically held from September 1st to October 4th. It is a time set aside to focus on prayer, reflection, and taking concrete actions to care for the environment. The theme of this year’s season of creation is “Let Justice and peace Flow”. It highlights the interconnectedness of environmental issues with social justice and peace. To participate in this theme, the Laudato youth Initiative together with John Paul II Justice and Peace Center will.
Inspire schools with Laudato Clubs to Learn about environmental justice: Educate Laudato youth about the intersection of environmental issues and marginalized communities. We will try to help them understand how pollution, climate change, and other environmental problems disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. As young digital experts, we value the importance of our gifts and how they can be of good use in the church. We shall share our activities from the different schools with others on our social media platforms to raise awareness.
Since we partner with John Paul II justice and peace Center, we this seasons we shall work with schools to connect with local communities and organizations for action response and to advocate for environmental justice and peace. Please Volunteer your time, to be part of these activities as an organization or individual. This effort will contribute to creating a more just and sustainable world that each of us are part of.
Our Holy father encourages us to foster a spirit of dialogue. We invite you to engage in dialogue by initiating conversations with friends, family, and community members about the importance of justice and peace within the environmental contexts. Encourage respectful discussions that explore the connections between social inequality, conflict, and environmental degradation.
Laudato youth in different institutions will highlight stories of environmental injustices in their communities (what is happening to our common home – Chapter one Laudato Si) using vox pops we shall use our website and our various social media platforms to share stories of environmental injustice and its impact on communities. Amplify voices of the young people and those affected by climate change to advocate for change that begins with each one of us by bringing to light these issues from our personal perspectives.
Fostering solidarity is another pillar we hold with strength. We seek to unite young people for Climate action and explore opportunities from mentors of different Laudato Clubs in schools to collaborate with diverse groups and communities who share similar values and goals. By joining forces Laudato Youth Initiative, will create a stronger collective voice advocating for justice and peace in environmental matters this season of creation.
Remember, justice and peace are integral aspects of caring for our common home. By actively participating in this year’s Season of Creation with a focus on justice and peace, you can help create a more equitable, sustainable, and harmonious world for all. As Laudato Youth Initiative we appreciate the fact that Pope Francis recognizes that young people have a unique perspective and energy that can contribute to positive change. He calls on young people to actively engage with environmental issues, learn about the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic systems, and participate in efforts to create a more sustainable world.
The document also acknowledges the challenges faced by young people in addressing environmental concerns, we come in peace for this cause to address issues such as limited decision-making power by uplifting voices of young people. Nonetheless, we are strengthened because Pope Francis encourages young people to be courageous and vocal advocates for the environment, inspiring others through their actions and demanding the necessary changes to protect our planet.
In conclusion I strongly believe that in as much as we are a youth led initiative our role in promoting Laudato Si response serves as a call to action for everyone, to recognize the importance of caring for our common home and working together to address the urgent environmental issues of our time let us embrace our Motto “United for Climate Action” As our common slogan goes now days “Laudato youth we go…” Keep tuned for more amazing updates from our Laudato Clubs in the different institutions and parishes as we eagerly wait for Pope Francis’ new part of Laudato Si, a document on the environment that is an addition to the current encyclical Laudato Si. In this he even mentions “We must never forget that the younger generations have the right to receive a beautiful and livable world from us, and that this implies that we have a grave responsibility towards creation which we have received from the generous hands of God,” said the Pope. “Thank you for your contribution.”
May this message inspire or challenge you to think of your contribution as you reflect on ways, we can join hands to nurture a just and peaceful human family for our future generations.
Message by Br. Adolf, CSC Mentor Laudato Youth Initiative