Mountains of the Moon University

Laudato Club of..

Mountains of the Moon University

The old people have wisdom and experience, and the youth have the energy it takes to unite for climate action, so it is important for Laudato Youth in higher institutions of learning to take up mentorship roles, engage in research, and inspire others to take action.

Our focus is on using media to inspire climate action, research, and documenting stories in a simple way to amplify young people’s voices for sustainability and Mentor leaders thus empowering young people to lead for the change they desire to see in the future. Part of this mentorship includes figuring out ways to get people the message that what they do matters so that they can carry on their activities without being stopped by climate anxiety, just as Dr. Hooker, a UIW faculty member in Environmental Sciences, stated in one of the interactions with the club members: “As people become aware they start to despair.” We need different practices in our daily lives and more efficiency in our resource use without spreading negativity and hopelessness: “People are powerful, and they can do something to help.”


Planting More Trees

We Love & Care for Creation

Uniting Youth for Climate Action

Green. That’s how we’d like the world to be.

Young people should be given an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills they need to build a sustainable future. Laudato Youth Initiative Unites, Inspires Action, Empowers, Fosters Mindset Change and builds the capacity of the youth to work with elders and address climate change for a better future.

Work with us

Join our conservation effort to plant trees, protect wildlife, and care for the environment.
Your involvement matters for a sustainable future.
Together, let's build a better world.

Support our Cause

Planting trees combats climate change, benefits biodiversity, and offers economic opportunities for sustainable development.