Interview with Doreen on Environmental Stewardship

Sarah: Hi Doreen!
Doreen: Hello!
Sarah: How are you today?
Doreen: I am okay, thank you!

Sarah: That’s great to hear! I understand you’re a student at Moreau Nursery and Primary School. Are you a leader in your school? If so, can you share your leadership journey and what your role entails?
Doreen: Yes, I’m the leader of the Laudato Si Club. As members, we focus on taking care of our environment.

Sarah: That’s wonderful! What inspires you to write the stories and poetry that you do as a member of the Laudato Si Club?
Doreen: I write to raise awareness and to stop the harmful actions that are damaging our environment.

Sarah: Can you give me examples of these harmful actions?
Doreen: Sure! Some of the bad actions include charcoal burning and cutting down trees.

Sarah: And how do you believe these actions affect us today?
Doreen: These trees are essential for rainfall formation. When we cut them down, we don’t get enough rainfall, which leads to droughts.

Sarah: Absolutely! Deforestation also contributes to rising temperatures. What message would you share with young people to help us create a climate-resilient future?
Doreen: I would tell them to plant more trees and flowers and make sure to water them. It also helps to beautify their surroundings!

Sarah: Earlier, you mentioned you’re a leader in the Laudato Si Club. Are there any specific activities you engage in, like planting trees or crops around the school?
Doreen: Yes, we have many trees around our school, and we also plant vegetables.

Sarah: That’s interesting! How do these vegetables benefit you as students?
Doreen: The vegetables promote our health and provide us with energy for other activities.

Sarah: Do you have a school canteen to serve those vegetables?
Doreen: No, we don’t have a canteen.

Sarah: I see. You must have noticed a lot of litter in the outside community. I must say, your school is quite clean and free from plastic waste. What advice would you give to people in your community about managing plastic waste?
Doreen: I advise them to recycle plastics after teaching them how to do it properly.

Sarah: That’s great! Do you know how to create products from recycled plastics?
Doreen: Yes, I do!

Sarah: What kinds of products can you make?
Doreen: For example, we can make dustbins!

Sarah: Wow, that’s an impressive way to recycle! Have you encountered any obstacles or seen people suffering from the effects of climate change?
Doreen: Yes, I have.

Sarah: What have you observed?
Doreen: I’ve seen that people living in bad climates sometimes get sick, like developing cancer, and they often have poor health overall.

Sarah: That’s very true. A healthy environment leads to healthy people.
Doreen: Yes!

Sarah: This is the Jubilee Year. What do you think young people can do in conjunction with the Jubilee Year?
Doreen: We are planning to organize community cleaning activities.

Sarah: That sounds fantastic! When you say community cleaning, what does that involve?
Doreen: It involves sweeping, picking up plastics, and finding ways to reuse them.

Sarah: It’s wonderful to hear how you’re creating bonds in the community through these efforts. Did you know that by participating in community cleaning, you’re also raising awareness?
Doreen: Yes, I understand that it’s about love for one another and caring for our environment.

Sarah: Thank you, Doreen, for sharing your insights and inspiring us to take action for our common home!
Doreen: Thank you for having me!

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