Uganda, known for its diverse weather patterns, generally experiences two major rainfall seasons: March-April-May (MAM) and September-October-November-December (SOND) as the first and second rainy seasons respectively. However, regions in the northern sector of the country have a third rainfall season during June-July-August (JJA).

The upcoming forecast for Uganda according to MNMA indicates near-normal to above-normal rainfall over the forecast period as illustrated in the press release of March 1st. Specifically, areas expected to receive enhanced rainfall include highland regions of Southwestern Uganda, the Rwenzori region, Mount Elgon, and extending to Karamoja.

The onset of rainfall is expected around early March in the southern parts of the country, including Southwestern, Central, Western Lake Victoria basin, and Eastern regions. For Northern and Northeastern areas, the onset is projected around mid to late March.

The onset of the rainy season may bring severe isolated thunderstorms with strong winds, lightning, and hailstorms. Here is a summary of the onset, peak, cessation, and seasonal outlook per region:

Southwestern Region: Late March to mid-April onset, late May to early June peak, above-normal rainfall.

Mid-Western Region: Mid-April onset, late May to early June peak, above-normal rainfall.

Western areas of Central Region: Mid-April onset, early June peak, near-normal to above-normal rainfall.

Central and Western Lake Victoria Region: Early March onset, mid-April peak, early June cessation, near-normal to above-normal rainfall.

Eastern areas of Central Region: Early March onset, mid-April peak, late May to early June cessation, near-normal to above-normal rainfall.

The Uganda National Meteorological Authority advises taking action in a timely and appropriate manner to make the most of this rainfall forecast. It is crucial for planning in rain-fed economic activities like tree planting. Join our 1Million tree planting drive to re afforestrate Uganda and enhance food security for the economic welfare and livelihoods for all communities.

We use this chance to encourage you to be part of the change you want to see in our country.

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