Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Laudato Si' Goals

The idea that everything is connected(LS 91; 240) must make each of us aware of our responsibility as human beings, towards ourselves, towards our neighbor, towards creation, and the Creator. Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years. Yet we are called to be instruments of God, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it, and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness” (LS 53).

Whereas the encyclical Laudato Si aims to address environmental issues and promote sustainable development, highlighting the importance of caring for our common home, Mother Earth is important. The Laudato Youth Initiative seeks to inspire young people to bridge the generational gap and Unite for Climate Action by actively engaging in environmental conservation efforts and working towards building a more sustainable future that begins with ACTION RESPONSE, in line with achieving the goals of Laudato Si

The Cry of Earth,

The Cry of the Poor,

Ecological Economics,

Simple Lifestyles,

Ecological Education,

Ecological Spirituality and ..

Community Involvement and Participation

Our way of responding to the Laudato Si' Goals is based on our inspirational experiences and our Model of Laudato Si Clubs in Schools, Universities, and Dioceses/Communities - Uniting Young People for Climate Action. In response to the letter Message in the encyclical Laudato Si and SDG 13. Our response is an Action Response best explained by our Motto United for Climate Action” Inspired by African Values and disciplines including eco-theology, behavioral change communication, Social and cultural integration, case studies, inspirational stories, practical solutions within our means, and raising voices of the young people through Laudato Voices Magazine which invaluable in shaping our initiative.

The Cry of Earth,

We respond to the cry of the earth by enhancing the restoration of indigenous trees in our efforts to mitigate the impacts of Climate Change by primarily focusing on tree planting as one of the means that is affordable for all people of all ages and these trees are naturally adapted to local conditions and service despite harsh climatic conditions. See our one million tree-planting drive.

However, we also encourage other means like raising awareness about the need to adopt greater use of clean renewable energy, working to achieve carbon neutrality and Carbon Markets, through our tree planting initiatives, and also being part of the efforts to protect and promote biodiversity, teaching our young people about the importance of protecting wetlands and value the of clean water for all, visiting conservation areas and reserves to inspire young people to take up careers in conservation, tourism, and forestry.

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Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Response to the Cry of the Poor.

we see this reality as one that highlights the inseparability of “concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society and interior peace” (LS 10); We have come to realize that “we are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental” (LS 139) our young people are crying seeing the poor dye and some of whom are parents, many young people too fail to attend school because of Climate Change issues, other sleep on hungry stomachs but some people even throw away food so the throw-away culture in a broader sense is neglecting the poor. We teach our young people in Laudato Si Clubs to be charitable and learn to care for those in need this value is enforced through community service programs and school charity activities among club members.

As an African-founded initiative, want our gift of the African perspective of Laudato Si to be vivid and embraced in context with our culture and beliefs. African, East Africa and Uganda we are a communitarian society. Laudato Si clubs build communities of young people coming together to share a value for the good of others.  We strive to give special attention to the needs of vulnerable groups such as the elderly through our community service programs and volunteering, in rural communities with traditional families that are affected by climate change effects most, and children at risk of hard labor due to fleeing their homes as a result of harsh conditions. We strive to inspire Laudato Youth to value every opportunity and learn creativity and innovation as a problem-solving remedy.

Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Ecological Economics.

To seriously confront the root causes of this crisis, we need a real “change of course” based on the awareness that everything is intimately related, as well as a “spiritual conversion” (cf. LS 202-221) capable of leading to a new consciousness of our relationship with ourselves, with others, with society, with the creation, and with God. The Laudato Youth Initiative is forming a generation of “Laudato Youth” who are being taught a value that they will pass on to other generations. 

Our encounter with Jesus Christ through Laudato Si Masses and faith-based prayer programs during encounters as Laudato Si clubs builds our relationship with the world around us to experience the idea that “everything is connected” (LS 91; 240). It is a real conversion that takes place when we interpret the events of our time in the light of the Gospel and of the encounter with Jesus. 

Every year we conduct Laudato festivals in schools to teach our Laudato Youth in their Laudato Si Clubs about sustainable living practices, fair trade, ethical consumption, ethical investments, and the significance of solar power, and help them learn about harmful economic activities highlighting the importance of renewable energy. 

Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Adoption of Simple Lifestyles

Here we emphasize the use of resources and energy, avoid single-use plastic in families and institutions where Laudato Si Clubs act as role models who exemplify and encourage the adoption of a more plant-based diet, and reduce meat consumption, greater use of public transport and avoid polluting modes of transportation and Smart kitchens in schools.

Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Ecological Education.

Laudato Youth are inspiring Laudato Si Clubs in Schools, Universities and Parishes to re-think and re-design the educational curricula to incorporate reforms in the spirit of integral ecology to create ecological awareness and action, through their Laudato Si action response-tailored activities, like developing Smart School Gardens and Smart Technologies through Science, Creativity and Innovation Expos promoting the ecological vocation of young people, their teachers mentors, and school administration and leaders for more awareness and action. See Video
We exist to educate young people in schools, Universities, and Dioceses Under of “Laudato Si Clubs” Model to care for creation but also use tools like debate, foster innovations that contribute to sustainability, learn to educate their families and communities, etc. See innovations

Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Ecological Spirituality.

The Laudato Youth Initiative is inspired by religious mentors and is dedicated to fostering the religious vision of God’s creation, reflecting on the African eco-theological interpretation of Laudato Si focusing on educating the young people on the gift of the African unique perspective and solutions to climate change that differ from other continent of the world. The African continent and African youth have so much to offer when it comes to encouraging climate action. Uganda’s biggest youthful population is a gift to the church in Africa and a hope for climate action if empowered and mentored well. The Laudato Youth Initiative is focused on inspiring, modeling, and teaching young people in Laudato Si clubs to be models of this reality in the world. We give our youth opportunities for contact with the natural world in a spirit of wonder through Laudato Si Nature walks, to experience the gift and Joy of nature and so be able to see Laudato Youth We go “ praise be God” in gratitude, we promote creation-centered liturgical celebrations like the Laudato Si Masses, develop ecological catechesis based on illuminate Africa’s ecological challenges and develop solutions through our action response ours is a prayer that encourages works “Ola et Labora”, We also have prayer activities for our Laudato si clubs, which include retreats, a formation that is seeing our Laudato Youth become stronger and connect with both God and creation.
As a youth initiative, our role is to witness to the teachings of Laudato Si in a world shaped by digital communication and technological advancements. Inspired by religious mentors, whose research in digital communications and childhood love for nature inspired this initiative. The focus on the youth is because it is in childhood and youthfulness that we can easily impart a value. Our young people have embraced the use of technology and media platforms to reach their peers and inspire action on environmental issues. Through videos, media campaigns, and online engagements, they are mobilizing a growing number of young people for Action response.
We are one of the impactful initiatives led by the youth. We conduct activities through our model of establishing "Laudato Si Clubs" in schools, universities, and dioceses providing them with a structured model for implementing the principles of Laudato Si and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship guided by the African eco-theology and Uniting to work together for this common good. This grassroots Initiative is not only inspiring the youth but also encouraging the broader church community to embrace climate action and sustainability.
Brother Adolf Mugume, CSC, our guiding mentor for Laudato Youth Leaders, emphasizes the importance of instilling the value of creation care in young people. Drawing from his experience of loving nature from childhood a value he received from his parents to the teachings of the encyclical Laudato Si and the African Philosophy of Ubuntu, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings, inviting the youth in the majority population youth in Uganda and the rest of the world to Unite for Climate Action to build our breaking society and invest for the future generations to come through a collective responsibility towards caring for the environment and creating a sustainable future for all. He further believes this work is not a mere Climate Action but an opportunity for young people to integrate faith values, build social relationships, and work together to build a the human family and learn to use media for productive purposes.
Our youth-led media campaigns during Laudato Si week and the season of creation are shining examples of our dedication to raising awareness and mobilizing for environmental causes. By uniting young people for climate action, the Laudato Youth Initiative is amplifying the voices of the youth and calling on religious leaders, co-operate entities, political and cultural leaders, and individuals to embrace a shared commitment to environmental conservation and community well-being. Africa's life is about living for others this inspires us to work for our community and Country Uganda thus inspiring other young people else where embrace the value for we are one people and one human family.
In a world facing urgent environmental challenges, the youth are stepping up as leaders and change-makers, embodying the spirit of Ubuntu and the principles of Laudato Si. Through their passion, creativity, and collective action, they are not only inspiring their peers but also shaping a more sustainable future for all.
The African Philosophy of Ubuntu is a deeply ingrained philosophy that shapes communities, cultures, and individual lives across Africa. The concept is simple yet profound: “I am because we are.” It stresses the importance of community and the interconnectedness of all human beings and so does Laudato Si and now Laudato Youth are taking it up to “Unite Young People for Climate Action”.

Core Laudato Youth Initiative Pillars

Emphasis on Community involvement and participatory

Action to care for creation at the family, schools, Universities, Parishes, and Dioceses remaining open to international collaborations that will unite us with the universal church to celebrate and share our African Gift and Model of interpreting Laudato Si in the perspective that reflects on the African environmental and ecological Challenges and solutions through the lens of ecotheology. Together we hope to foster a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith, ecology, and the environment, paving the way for meaningful change and sustainable practices in our African Families, Communities, Institutions, and beyond. We also look forward to fostering the spirit of charity, and community service inspiring more social co-operate social responsibility toward care for creation with a focus on the following objectives.

1. To create awareness about climate change impact and conservation.

2. To promote Catholic Social Teaching, a body of doctrine developed by the Catholic Church on matters of social justice involving issues of poverty and wealth, economics, work, family life, and social organizations concerning ecological and environmental concerns.

3. To promote Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si and Laudate Deum, and the Letter Film documentary.
To share creation care information using the media.

4. To promote the Sustainable Development Goal of Climate Action
To organize civic education programs with the community and institutions towards