Laudato Club of Koch Goma – Gulu

Laudato Youth Club of...

Koch Goma - Gulu

Fr. Apire Berry, CSC

Fr. Apire Berry CSC is the current parish priest of Koch Goma parish in Gulu District Uganda, Patron Laudato Club Koch Goma

Koch Goma Parish, recovering from the aftermath of war where fear still lingers concerning forests because that is where rebel activities took place, requires significant efforts to restore natural forests that have been depleted because they were seen as a threat and hiding places for rebels. The introduction of the Laudato Youth Initiative has spurred practical initiatives to address these needs. Parish Laudato Groups like the one in Koch Goma play a vital role in guiding response to Laudato Si within parish communities and ministries.

The Pope urges immediate action to combat the harm inflicted on our shared home, Earth, emphasizing the Christian duty to responsibly care for creation. SDG 13 emphasizes the necessity for urgent measures against climate change impacts.

Educating the youth about climate change.

The need for them to take action in combating climate change by planting indigenous and fruit trees to combat hunger and improve their health.

Organizing Laudato walks in natural surroundings for awareness of environmental damage.

Laudato youth initiative President leads by example in fostering tree planting at home, community and schools.

Commemorating creation through various seasonal liturgies, devotions, and events like Earth Day April 22nd

Laudato youth initiative President leads by example in fostering tree planting at home, community and schools.

Commemorating creation through various seasonal liturgies, devotions, and events like Earth Day April 22nd

Laudato youth initiative President leads by example in fostering tree planting at home, community and schools.


Currently, Koch Goma Parish where this club is establishing strong roots comprises 28 outstations with minimal tree cover due to its history as an internally displaced camp. The vast refugee influx during the conflict led to extensive land use for resettlement, resulting in tree clearance for shelter construction. Only three indigenous tree species remain. Fr. Berry, the parish priest, plans to green these outstations with the help of the Laudato Youth Action response. He is also collaborating with the community and youth leaders rallying their support for environmental conservation training sessions.


Planting More Trees

We Love & Care for Creation

To enhance greening efforts in Koch Goma, the club has already acquired seeds of graveria and cypress, known for their disease resistance and effectiveness as windbreakers. These seeds are being cultivated in nursery beds, with each outstation having a demo bed. Churches will serve as hubs for environmental education, establishing partnerships with local schools for collaborative initiatives.

  • Observing the Season of Creation from September 1st to October 4th, such as hosting a parish thanksgiving harvest and tree planting.
  • Celebrating the World Day of Prayer for Creation on September 1st and conducting Laudato youth seminars.
  • Honoring the feast of St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology, on October 4th.
    Planting trees during Baptisms, Confirmations, and First Holy Communions.
  • Delivering "green" sermons promoting Laudato Si's message on sustainability.
    Reflecting on the theme of water during Baptisms.