Who is Laudato Youth Initiative?
Laudato Youth Initiative (LYI) is a non-profit Youth led organization based in Uganda that promotes climate through uniquely societal tailored conservational programmes. Laudato Youth Initiative was born out of the realization that young people can play a big role in solving the growing concern of climate change impact that has become a big threat to livelihood and sustainability of communities in Uganda.
Where are you located?
Laudato Youth Initiative is located in St John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre building on Nsereko Road Nsambya, Kampala-Uganda.
Where does Laudato Youth Initiative operate
Laudato Youth Initiative operates in East Africa covering Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania
How are they different from Laudato Si Movement
Laudato Youth Initiative is focuses mainly on young people whom we mobilize to take action in solving climate issues.
How can get involved?
We work with anyone who has passion for conserving environment. We believe in united actions. We welcome people of all categories who have passion for environment.