Climate Action, Open LetterThe three step solution to the flooding of River Nyamwamba in Kasese and Uganda at large.Dear Fellow Citizens of Kasese, It is with a heavyRead more
Season of CreationLaudato Youth Initiative Day of Prayer for the Care for Creation event held on September 2nd, 2024 at St. Andre Bassette Holy Cross Koch Goma Parish – Gulu.This event focused on praying for healing on issues suchRead more
Climate Action, Laudato Clubs, School DebatesLaudato Youth at Holy Cross Lake View S.S.S participated in Green School NationalsA section of Laudato Youth participated in the Green SchoolsRead more
Creation Care, Laudato MMUMMU is a community University empowering neighboring communities in sustainability and creation care.From right to left, Fred club secretary, Abwooli Alfred Member/ChairmanRead more
Climate Action, School DebatesLaudato Youth: Amplifying Voices for Climate Action Through Faith-Inspired Encyclical “Laudato Si” at UNSA National Debate ChampionshipThe enthusiastic and faith-driven youth of St. Joseph’s Hill S.SRead more
#CommunityAction, #KiteeziTragedyAn Open Letter Calling for Action on Sustainable Waste ManagementDear All, The recent tragic dumpsite slides in Kampala, whereRead more
Climate Action, InternationalYouthDayLaudato Youth Initiative: Young people united for climate change actionWe mark this year’s International Youth Day under the themeRead more
Sustainable Green GrowthSustainable Green Growth and Smart Agriculture in UgandaThe promise of sustainable green growth and smart agriculture inRead more
Social JusticeEmbracing Ecological Sensitivity as a Matter of Justice and PeaceBy Avuni Alfred – Director, John Paul II Justice andRead more
Integral Ecology and Laudato Si'Integral Ecology the profound connection between Nature and GodI have had the privilege of studying Ecology and leadingRead more