This year September 1st (the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to October 4th (the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology). Laudato youth will join the rest of the world to celebrate the season of creation During this period, members of different Laudato Clubs in schools, Universities and dioceses will come together in prayer, reflection, and action to promote ecological awareness, environmental action and justice programs.

Aware that Laudato Si’: is about Care for Our Common Home,” Pope Francis refers to the “Season of Creation” as a special time to celebrate and reflect on the beauty of God’s creation and challenges us to embrace the urgent need for environmental stewardship. This concept is in line with the broader themes of the encyclical, which emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of caring for the Earth as our common home. According to Laudato Si’ movement the theme for this year’s season of creation is “Let justice and peace flow”.


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  1. Ngonzi Richard

    Hey. My name is Ngonzi Richard from St Joseph’s Hill SS kyembogo. How I can i attend this Event.

  2. Ngonzi Richard

    I love the Laudato club at our school and its values. And am fighting tooth and nail to achieve what is meant to be achieved in this club.
    We do organize outreaches where we go to do different activities like
    #Picking plastics
    #sweeping roads
    #planting ten trees in each and every place we visit.
    #We teach people how to recycle the waste materials like plastics.
    # We sensitize people in how to conserve the environment.
    # By the help of our beloved father Peter Qorro the club patron. Thanks.

    But we need more Laudato Club’s workshops. Thanks.

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